[Event "Hastings"]
[White "Sultan Khan Mir"]
[Black "Capablanca, J."]
1930 *(Year)
{It is rare when an unknown beats a former World Champion; rarer still when
the unknown has only recently learned European moves! Khan flashed across the
chess scene in the early '30s when his "master" brought him to England from
India - and then he returned to oblivion. But not before outplaying some of
the world's greatest.} 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. d4 b6 3. c4 Bb7 4. Nc3 e6 5. a3 d5 6. cxd5
exd5 7. Bg5 Be7 8. e3 O-O 9. Bd3 Ne4 10. Bf4 Nd7 11. Qc2 f5 12. Nb5 {The Indian
prodigy eschews castling for an immediate foray - setting the tone for the
rest of the game.} Bd6 {Better was 12...a6! When 13 Qxc7 axb5 14 Qxb7 Ndc5 15
bxc5 Nxc5 16 Qc7 Nxd3+ wins.} 13. Nxd6 cxd6 14. h4 Rc8 15. Qb3 Qe7 16. Nd2 Ndf6
17. Nxe4 fxe4 18. Be2 Rc6 19. g4 {The Kingside now belongs to White.} Rfc8 20.
g5 Ne8 21. Bg4 {The d-pawn can wait. White forces the action.} Rc1+ 22. Kd2
R8c2+ 23. Qxc2 Rxc2+ 24. Kxc2 Qc7+ 25. Kd2 Qc4 26. Be2 Qb3 27. Rab1 Kf7 {
Black's initiative has run out of gas, and White's rooks slowly take over the
board.} 28. Rhc1 Ke7 29. Rc3 Qa4 30. b4 Qd7 {
Otherwise, 31. b5 imprisons the Queen.} 31. Rbc1 a6 32. Rg1 Qa4 33. Rgc1 Qd7
34. h5 Kd8 35. R1c2 Qh3 36. Kc1 Qh4 37. Kb2 Qh3 38. Rc1 Qh4 39. R3c2 Qh3 40. a4
Qh4 41. Ka3 Qh3 42. Bg3 {Now everything is in order for the final assault.} Qf5
43. Bh4 g6 {44. ... Qh3? 44. g6+ Qxh4 45. gxh4} 44. h6 Qd7 45. b5 a5 46. Bg3
Qf5 47. Bf4 Qh3 48. Kb2 Qg2 49. Kb1 Qh3 {The pawn is still immune because the
Queen would be lost after 49... Qxf2 50. Bh5 Qh4 51. Rh2.} 50. Ka1 Qg2 51. Kb2
Qh3 {White has "triangulated" his King to achieve this position with his move.}
52. Rg1 Bc8 {The Queen is trapped after the threatened 53. Bg4 and 54. f3.} 53.
Rc6 {At last, the breakthrough.} Qh4 54. Rgc1 Bg4 55. Bf1 Qh5 {
The Queen is trapped after 55...Qxf2+ 56. R6c2.} 56. Re1 {
Infinite patience, to keep the Queen penned up.} Qh1 57. Rec1 Qh5 58. Kc3 {
To make progress the King has to guard e2.} Qh4 59. Bg3 Qxg5 60. Kd2 Qf5 61.
Rxb6 Ke7 62. Rb7+ Ke6 63. b6 Nf6 64. Bb5 Qf3 65. Rb8 {Black Resigns.} 1-0