this is the game between ganguly and tejas bakre played in knock out chess tournament
1) Ganguly,s (2557) - Bakre,T (2447) [B63]Knock Out Rapid, 05.11.2006[Bakre,Tejas]
Classical Surviaval!! 1.e4 Pity Black!The massacre begins is what would be going on in the minds of the chess world especially after we knew that white had just worked with the author of Fire on Board! 1...c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 h6 8.Bxf6 gxf6 9.0-0-0 a6 10.f4 Qb6 11.Nb3 Bd7 12.Be2 0-0-0 [ 12...h5 ] 13.Bh5 Rh7 14.Rhf1 Be7 15.Kb1 Kb8 16.Rf3 Rg7 17.a3 Bc8 18.Rd3 Qc7 19.Qf2 Na5 20.Rg3!? [ 20.Nxa5 Qxa5 21.Bf3 Bd7 22.Qh4+/= ] 20...Rh7 21.Qe2?! White should not have allowed doubling of the pawns. [ 21.Nxa5 Qxa5 22.Qe2 f5 23.b4 Qc7 24.exf5 d5 25.fxe6 fxe6 Black is doing fine despite a pawn down due to strong bishop having total supremacy on the dark squares and a bit exposed white king.] 21...Nxb3 22.cxb3 Bd7?! [ 22...d5! 23.exd5 Qxf4 And blacks strong central pawns will be marching and menancing soon!] 23.Qd3 Qa5 24.e5 f5 25.exd6 Bf6 This is a very interesting position.It seems white is a pawn up and completely winning(so thought my opponent and everyone in the tournament hall).I was on the other hand quite happy with my position as my black bishop has suddenly become very active and i have complete control over the key central squares. 26.b4 Qb6 27.Qe3 Qxe3 28.Rxe3 Bc6 29.Bf3 Bd7! Keeping the double bishops intact. 30.Na2 Bg7! With the idea of Bf8 and also h5,Bh6 31.Rd2 Ba4 32.Nc3 Bd7 33.b3 Bf8 34.Red3 h5! 35.a4 h4 36.Nd1? Bh6 37.Rd4 e5 38.fxe5 Bxd2 39.Rxd2 Re8 40.Re2? [ 40.Nb2[] Rxe5 41.Nd3 f6 ( 41...Re3 42.Nc5 f6 43.Bxb7+/- ) 42.Nxe5 fxe5=/+ ] 40...f6! 41.exf6 Rxe2 42.Bxe2 Rf7 43.Ne3 Rxf6 44.Nc4 b5 45.Ne5 Rxd6 46.Nf3 Rh6 47.a5 Bc6 48.Kc2 Bxf3 49.Bxf3 Rd6 50.h3 Kc7 51.Kc3 Kd7 52.Bb7 Ke6 53.Bc8+ Ke5 54.Bb7 Kf4 55.Kc2 Ke3 56.Kc3 f4 57.Bf3 Rd7 58.Kc2 Kf2 59.Kc3 Rg7 60.Kd4 Rxg2 61.Bb7 Rg6 62.Ke5 Kg3 63.Kf5 Rh6 64.Kg5 Rd6 And my dear friends shouted TEJBAK IS BACK!!! 0-1
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