(5) Anand,V (2779) - Carlsen,M (2690) [C96]
XXIV SuperGM Morelia/Linares MEX/ESP (10), 04.03.2007
1.e4 I HOPE THIS ANALYSIS WILL GIVE YOU THE ENJOYMENT AND EXCITMENT, Actually IT IS NOT MY ANALYSIS THAT GIVES YOU ENJOYMENT BUT THE GAME PLAYED BY OUR ALL FAVOURITE VISHY ANAND AGAINST WONDER BOY MAGNUS CARLSEN 1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 Closed Ruy Lopez (Chigorin Defence) 9.h3 Na5 10.Bc2 c5 11.d4 Nd7 12.d5 Nb6 13.Nbd2 g6 Now the real game begins. In this position White and Black, both have ideas. As You all know that Anand is good in tactics, playing novelties, Strategy etc..... You will see how Anand showed his tactical and strategical abilities in this game against "WONDER BOY" Magnus Carlsen... [RR 13...f5 is also a good move , but in this position after f5 All the maximum black pieces are on queen side and only some pieces at kingside, So Black has to rearrange his forces and Attack the silentWhiteKing 14.exf5 Bxf5 15.Bxf5 Rxf5 16.Ne4 Qd7 17.b3 Raf8 18.Nh2 Qd8 19.Nf1 Qa8 20.Ne3 Rf4 21.f3 Qe8 22.Bd2 Qg6 23.c4 Nb7 24.Kh1 b4 25.a3 a5 26.Ng4 R4f5 27.Be3 Nd7 28.Re2 Leko,P (2749)-Kramnik,V (2754)/Monte Carlo 2005/CBM 105 ext/1/2–1/2 (37)] 14.b4N Remember that Grandmasters never make blunders, So we have to defeat them positionally. This is what I have learnt during my past 2 years [14.Nf1 Not so attacking and accurate but has some ideas and traps.. 14...Bf6 15.Bh6 Bg7 16.Bxg7 Kxg7 17.g4 h5 18.gxh5 Bxh3 19.N1h2 Rh8 20.hxg6 Qf6 21.Qc1 Rh6 22.Kh1 Rah8 23.Bd1 Bg4 24.Kg2 Rxh2+ 25.Nxh2 Rxh2+ 26.Kxh2 Qxf2+ 27.Kh1 Qxe1+ 28.Kg2 Qxe4+ 29.Kg3 Zimmermann,M (1688)-Pioch,T (2220)/Bad Woerishofen 1992/TD/0–1 (38); 14.g4 is playable with some attcking ideas for white 14...Ra7 15.Nf1 Bf6 16.Ng3 Bg7 17.Kh2 Qd7 18.Rh1 Nb7 19.b3 a5 20.a4 bxa4 21.bxa4 Qc7 22.Rg1 c4 23.Nh5 Bh8 24.Bh6 Re8 25.Nh4 Nc5 26.Nf5 f6 27.g5 fxg5 28.Bxg5 Bxf5 Zakharov,A-Vatnikov,J/Moscow 1966/MCD/1–0 (44)] 14...cxb4 15.cxb4 The idea behind White's 14.b4 is to keep black engaged on queenside as now black has dangerous attacking ideas. So White has cleverly played b4 and also has the idea lof occupying c file with allpieceswellplaced 15...Nac4 16.Nxc4 Nxc4 17.Bb3 Nb6 18.Be3 Bd7 19.Rc1! As thought white has occupied c file and placed 70 percent of his pieces in the right diagonal and files. But we feel that the Bishop on b3 is not so useful in that diagonal but remember Anand has some secret ideas. He wants to concentrate on black's weakest square . Can you find it? Yes weak f7! Now you see how anand will exploit the weakness 19...Rc8 20.Rxc8 Bxc8 21.Qc2! Open file in the pocket!! 21...Bd7 22.Rc1! White is going on giving threats and black is going on defending it, but by this White has many advantages to name few: One is he has got some space and attacking ideas Another is that Black's idea of playing f5 was completely forgotten has white is not giving any chance for black to play f5. Now white is threatning Qc7 so black played 22...Na8 guarding c7 23.Qd2! Again threat of playing Bg5 exchanging the one and only good defensive piece in wonderboy'steritory! 23...Qb8 [After Qb8 Here black now aims to take atleast 50 percent of file, now if he would have played f5 then he would lose because 23...f5 24.Nxe5! (24.exf5) 24...fxe4 25.Qc2 Attack, White continues his outstanding play from move 14th till the end 25...Kg7 (If 25...Bf5 26.Nc6! Qe8 27.g4) 26.Nxd7 Qxd7 27.Qxe4 Bf6 is the only move because of the deadly Bd4+ 28.Qe6 Qd8 29.Rc6] 24.Bg5! Bxg5 25.Nxg5 Rc8 …26.Rf1! Changing The line of attack, which i have faced many times in my games.If I defend that line or weakness then in fraction of a second my opponents will change the line of attack. This is a cunning plan! with the idea of playing f4 26...h6 I hope You all remeber my game against Laxminarayana, where i was white. I played f4 then a deadly sacrifice same in this case. (London system) 27.Ne6!! Diagram # A bolt from the blue A very nice tactical shot! Oh! this is my best game ever seen 27...Kh7 [27...fxe6 loses to 28.Qxh6!! silent killer] 28.f4!! Qa7+ does not disturb much [28...fxe6 29.dxe6 Bc6 (29...Bxe6 30.Bxe6±) 30.fxe5 Unbelievable 30...Rf8 Now 31.Rxf8 Qxf8 32.exd6 Winning move] 29.Kh2 Be8 [29...fxe6 30.dxe6 Be8 31.f5 gxf5 32.exf5 Qd4 33.Qxd4 exd4 34.f6 with clear advantage to white] 30.f5! gxf5 [30...fxe6 31.dxe6! which results in a clear winning position to white] 31.exf5! f6 now the white knight on e6 is equal to strongest piece in the world [31...fxe6 32.dxe6! Here too the same!] 32.Re1 controlling e pawn and the semi open file 32...Nc7 33.Rc1! Another threat 33...Bd7 34.Rc3! Another threat of Rg3 34...e4 35.Rg3 Nxe6 36.dxe6 Be8 37.e7! At last the bishop on b3 is the MAN OF SERIES and Knight who fought sitting at e6 is MAN OFMATCH 37...Bh5 38.Qxd6! COMPLETELY DRIVEN AWAY i LIKED THIS GAME AND I THINK IT IS PROBABLY BEST GAME EVER THAT I HAVE SEEN "The nicest Combinations are those which result in mate" 1–0
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