Hello Everybody! The Problem is White to play and win! The First 3 solvers of this problem will get a Prize from Niranjan Navalgund!
So Post your answer here in comments box or mail your answer to niranjanchess23@gmail.com.
Better is that you mail answer to niranjanchess23@gmail.com
Remember First 3!
Hurry up!
1. Re4+ Kd8 2. Rd3+ Kc8 3. Rc4+ Kb8 4. Rb3+ Ka8 5. Rc8+ 1-0.
Hello Wats your name?
Good efforts!
But you are too late...
The first 3 solvers of this problem have got their prizes also.....
All the best and
Watchout for more problems!
Hello Wats your name?
Good efforts!
But you are too late...
The first 3 solvers of this problem have got their prizes also.....
All the best and
Watchout for more problems!
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