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Monday, February 04, 2008

Problem Solving

Hello Everybody! The Problem is White to play and win! The First 3 solvers of this problem will get a Prize from Niranjan Navalgund!
So Post your answer here in comments box or mail your answer to
Better is that you mail answer to
Remember First 3!
Hurry up!


Anonymous said...

1. Re4+ Kd8 2. Rd3+ Kc8 3. Rc4+ Kb8 4. Rb3+ Ka8 5. Rc8+ 1-0.

Niranjan said...

Hello Wats your name?
Good efforts!
But you are too late...
The first 3 solvers of this problem have got their prizes also.....
All the best and
Watchout for more problems!

Niranjan said...

Hello Wats your name?
Good efforts!
But you are too late...
The first 3 solvers of this problem have got their prizes also.....
All the best and
Watchout for more problems!
