:) No one has travelled the road of Success without crossing the streets of failure . The same way God never promised us easy journey in life. He only has promised a great destination for hard workers
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
When Sultan won against the King of Little combinations !
[White "Sultan Khan Mir"]
[Black "Capablanca, J."]
1930 *(Year)
{It is rare when an unknown beats a former World Champion; rarer still when
the unknown has only recently learned European moves! Khan flashed across the
chess scene in the early '30s when his "master" brought him to England from
India - and then he returned to oblivion. But not before outplaying some of
the world's greatest.} 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. d4 b6 3. c4 Bb7 4. Nc3 e6 5. a3 d5 6. cxd5
exd5 7. Bg5 Be7 8. e3 O-O 9. Bd3 Ne4 10. Bf4 Nd7 11. Qc2 f5 12. Nb5 {The Indian
prodigy eschews castling for an immediate foray - setting the tone for the
rest of the game.} Bd6 {Better was 12...a6! When 13 Qxc7 axb5 14 Qxb7 Ndc5 15
bxc5 Nxc5 16 Qc7 Nxd3+ wins.} 13. Nxd6 cxd6 14. h4 Rc8 15. Qb3 Qe7 16. Nd2 Ndf6
17. Nxe4 fxe4 18. Be2 Rc6 19. g4 {The Kingside now belongs to White.} Rfc8 20.
g5 Ne8 21. Bg4 {The d-pawn can wait. White forces the action.} Rc1+ 22. Kd2
R8c2+ 23. Qxc2 Rxc2+ 24. Kxc2 Qc7+ 25. Kd2 Qc4 26. Be2 Qb3 27. Rab1 Kf7 {
Black's initiative has run out of gas, and White's rooks slowly take over the
board.} 28. Rhc1 Ke7 29. Rc3 Qa4 30. b4 Qd7 {
Otherwise, 31. b5 imprisons the Queen.} 31. Rbc1 a6 32. Rg1 Qa4 33. Rgc1 Qd7
34. h5 Kd8 35. R1c2 Qh3 36. Kc1 Qh4 37. Kb2 Qh3 38. Rc1 Qh4 39. R3c2 Qh3 40. a4
Qh4 41. Ka3 Qh3 42. Bg3 {Now everything is in order for the final assault.} Qf5
43. Bh4 g6 {44. ... Qh3? 44. g6+ Qxh4 45. gxh4} 44. h6 Qd7 45. b5 a5 46. Bg3
Qf5 47. Bf4 Qh3 48. Kb2 Qg2 49. Kb1 Qh3 {The pawn is still immune because the
Queen would be lost after 49... Qxf2 50. Bh5 Qh4 51. Rh2.} 50. Ka1 Qg2 51. Kb2
Qh3 {White has "triangulated" his King to achieve this position with his move.}
52. Rg1 Bc8 {The Queen is trapped after the threatened 53. Bg4 and 54. f3.} 53.
Rc6 {At last, the breakthrough.} Qh4 54. Rgc1 Bg4 55. Bf1 Qh5 {
The Queen is trapped after 55...Qxf2+ 56. R6c2.} 56. Re1 {
Infinite patience, to keep the Queen penned up.} Qh1 57. Rec1 Qh5 58. Kc3 {
To make progress the King has to guard e2.} Qh4 59. Bg3 Qxg5 60. Kd2 Qf5 61.
Rxb6 Ke7 62. Rb7+ Ke6 63. b6 Nf6 64. Bb5 Qf3 65. Rb8 {Black Resigns.} 1-0
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008

For the analysis of the position above by Niranjan Navalgund download the MS WORD Document.Thank you!
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Surprise!!.doc |
Hosted by eSnips |
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
You win, wail with mirth
You lose, never think
you are nothing on earth!
You win , bliss up
If lost, soar up
You win, exult
You lose, never think it is an
You win, think its just scant!
If lost, learn how to come up from
An ant.
You win, be jubiliant
If lost, don’t despair
You win, you will be greeted,
If lost never think you are rooted!!
VIII std
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Learn from your own Mistakes!
Here I present my own game with annotations with Delhi’s reputed Coach and rated player V S Negi. I played this in the Commonwealth Chess Tourney held recently……
This game features very good defensive skills for Kings Indian Attack.
You can see how I missed win at the last minute!
W:V S Negi 2130
B:Navalgund Niranjan 2065
1.e4 c5 2.d3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.Nf3 e6 Developing Knight on f6 looks odd especially when White can play e5 anytime. It will be a waste of time.6.0-0 Nge7 7.Re1 0-0 8.Nbd2 d5 9.Qe2 b6 10.h4 h6 In order to meet h5 with g5 And White will find it difficult to Attack further.11.Nf1 a5! 12.e5!? This often happens in the KIA White will soon have to play c3. 12…Ra7! This rook can be used as emergency!
13.Bf4 Ba6 Idea b5 and c4 14.Qd2 Kh7 15.Ne3 Ng8 16.Ng4 This is the maximum White can achieve on the Kingside. The king shield by Black cannot be easily demolished.16…b5 Black has good hopes on the Queenside as its not closed whereas White has no further plans on the Kingside as its closed. 17.Qe3!? In the game I thought that my opponent is trying to tempt me to play d4. But after d4 Black is in total command.17…d4! 18.Qe2 Nb4 19.a4 c4! =+ Black has good prospects on the Queenside. 20.Red1 I wonder whether it’s the only move! 20…cd3 21.cd3 ba4 22.Ra4 Bb5! Black is actively doing the defending job on the kingside and even on the Queenside…. 23.Ra3 Rc7! 24.Ne1 Rc5 26.Rc1 Rc1 27.Bc1 Qc7 The File belongs to Black! 28.Bf4 a4 Here we both were in time trouble. We were struggling in the seconds….. So I without thinking much I played a4. 29.b3?? Here I missed the winning continuation and after 2-3 moves we signed peace……
I will reveal the winning continuation at the end of the week.
Now it’s the time for you to find the Winning continuation missed by me here!
Its interesting. Give it a Try……. I will also give the end of the game at the end of the week. You can see how Black patiently defended on the King side and opened up the Queen side. If Black patiently defends this ATTACKING opening then 80% of game is in Black’s hand! But don’t underestimate this opening!!!!
The only thing I missed was the last continuation.
This I could have done easily if I had more time….
I want the solution with the Explanation of how you got the solution….
(Technique of assessment & Ability to think)
I would like to mention another important point here!
I would like to recommend you to go through the book “Learn from your own mistakes”
This book also teaches us about analyzing our own games.
We should never feel ashamed or think its insult to correct our mistakes Instead you have to stand stiff and be strong and correct the mistake as we still are Learners!!!!
By this explanation I would like to conclude my game annotation of this game……
Thank you
I hope you had a happy learning time here!
Keep Blogging www.chessindia.blogspot.com
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
I am happy to annotate another game of Magnus Carlsen....
Its Magnus Carlsen Vs Rest of the World played in Nettavisen in the year 2002.
This game was transimtted on the NTG website.
The World Could vote for a move & the move containing the most number of votes was chosen as the Reply to White's move!
The same is done in the daily basis at www.chessgames.com
IT was reported that there were 250,000 hits on the webpage.
And One thing! MAgnus did not use or recieved any help from any player or computer.
Back to the game!
Magnus Carlsen-Rest of The World {NAVALGUND NIRANJAN}
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 Its the Spanish Ruy Lopez.......7.c3 Ne4 The line chosen by Black is a complex one! 8.Qe2 d5 9.d3 Nf6 Here If 10.Ne5 then 10...Qc7 would be Quite interesting. For eg: 11.Re1? Due to Ne5 12.Qe5 and then Bf2!! And Black wins..... But still White can press on with the natural developing moves.
10.d4! Bb6 {My question to you here is Spot the Winning continuation for White if Black plays 10...Be7}
11.de5 Ne4 12.Be3 Be3 13.Qe3 0-0 This is a natural one... 14.Rd1 Be6 15.Nd4!? Ne5!
Here the choice of the World seemed to be exciting and interesting
16.f3 Now have a fresh look at the position and Think the move Black had in mind(WORLD)!
16...Nc4 17.Bc4 dc4 18.fe4 c5! 19.Nd2= cd4 20.cd4 Qb6 21.Nf1 White intends to advance his d5 pawn
21...Rae8! Pin...("Pin is mightier than Sword")
22.d5!? Finally we have the word go for the d5 pawn
22...Qe3 23.Ne3 Bd7 24.Rd4 Re5 This position is more or less even.
25.a4!? White hopes something like axb5 and then Ra7 or so. But Black acted quickly and responded with 25...f5!
26.Nf5 Bf5 27.ef5 Re2! Rook are well placed on the seventh Rank. 28.ab5 ab5 29.Rb1 Rf5
30.d6 Rff2 31.d7 and there is a Draw by perpetual.
Lastly I would like to ask you 2 questions.
Please do not use chess engines!!
Use your BRAIN!
1.What will be you reply if Black plays 10...Be7
2.What will be the outcome of the game after 25.d6 ?
I will present the answer and the conclusion about this game at the End of the week!
Till then have happy discussions.
Mail me your answers to niranjanchess23@gmail.com or you can post you views or answers in the comments link given right below the post
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Hello Everybody
I Am back here Annotating a game of Magnus Carlsen.
This is the game played by Wonderboy long back,about 5-6years ago.
You an see the quality of game This Extra ordinary Wonderboy has in him!
Chess India Wishes him all the very best in his future chess carrer.
Back to the game:
W:Magnus Carlsen
B:Per Johnson
Gausdal 2002
In this game Magnus played it calmly and he later solves his problem of Dark squared bishops very cunningly!
And you can also enjoy the combinative motifs here!
Common Lets get on to it!
1.Nf3 d5
2.c4 e6
3.e3 Nf6
4.d4 g6 Similar to Grunfeld structure
5.Bd3 Bg7
6.0-0 0-0
7.Nc3 White is just trying to complete his development as quickly as possible!
8.h3 Bf3
9.Qf3 dc4? This gives White extra scope for his pieces!
Even 9...e6 with the idea of Nbd7 intending equal chances was better......
10.Bc4 Nbd7
11.Rd1 Slight Better For White!
Black hopes to open the position which at this time is not effective.....
As we have seen earlier the idea of e6 and Nbd7 was better keeping the postion closed.
12.d5! e4?! Desperately trying to seek counterplay.
13.Ne4 Ne4
14.Qe4 Nb6
15.Bb3 cd5
16.Bd5 Nd5
17.Rd5 Qb6
Now for temporary Black has compensation for a pawn.
Black has some play on the queen side.
White's only problem is the development of the dark squared bishop...........
In the couple of moves White overcomes this lone problem.
18.Qd3 f5?!
Better was Rfd8 but f5 gains nothing but in return loses the game!
The Weakness of the King's position is now fatal....
19.Bd2! Rad8
The pawn on b2 cannot be taken with Bishop or Queen
Both lose the position and the game.
For Eg:
If 19...Bxb2 then 20.Rb1 and Black cannot do anything..
If Qxb2 then 20.Rb1 and Qa2 and then 21.Rb7 And Black cannot defend the position.
20.Rd1 Rd5
21.Qd5+ Kh8
22.Bc3! Qc7
23.Rd4 Introducing the Combinative motifs
The Long Diagonal weakness..
24.Qe6 Idea Rd7.
Now can you find the excellent move here!
Its 25.Qf7!! Queen sacrifice.
25...Qf7 Black is forced to take as it is overloaded.
26.Rd8 Qg8
27.Bg7 Kg7
28.Rg8 Kg8
29.f3 Kf7
And the rest is matter of technique!
I will give the rest of the game without much commments.
30.Kf2 KE5
31.g4 Ke5
32.gf5 gf5
33.Kg3 f4
34.Kf2 Kf6
35.e4 Ke5
36.Ke2 Kd4
37.Kd2 Kc4
38.b3 Kd4
39.a4 h6
40.Ke2 b6
41.Kd2 Just waiting for the ultimate zugzwang position to come....
42.Ke2 h5
43.a5 h5
44.h4 Kc5
45.Kd3 b4
46.e5 Kd5
47 e6 Ke6
48.Ke4 And Black resigned as now White will pick the f4 pawn and soon the queen the pawn!
Magnus finished his tourney with a peformance of 2200 and now he is above 2700 and his creating Wonders of Wonders
All the best to this TOP TOP WONDERBOY!
Thank you all.......
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Runners Up!!
Matter of Technique!
Game annotated by Niranjan Navalgund
White:Leko Peter 2753
Black:Anand Vishwanathan 2799
Round 5
1.e4 c5
2.Nf3 d6
3.d4 cd4
4.Nd4 Nf6
5.Nc3 a6
6.Be3 e5 Sicilan Najdorf
7.Nb3 Be6
8.Qd2 Nbd7
9.f3 b5
10.0-0-0 Be7
11.Nd5!? Looks quite interesting! Bxd5
12.ed5 Nb6!
13.Bxb6 Qxb6
14.Na5 Here black cannot take the pawn (14...Nxd5) as 15.Qxd5 will lose a piece as the Rook on a8 is hanging!
14...Rc8 (Idea 15...Nxd5)
15.Nc6 Its surprising to see that White hopes to play an equal endgame. I dont quite trust this movE :)
16.Nxe7 Nxe7
17.Qxd6 Qxd6 [17...Qe3+ is really bad as after 18.Kb1 Black hopes nothing. His king is in danger and the a6 pawn is also under attack and White has overwhelming advantage!]
18.Rxd6 Nc6! Idea Ke7 and Nd4 followed by f5.
19.c3 (19.Bd3? due to Ke7-+)
20.Rd1-f5 Pawn storm begins!
Now this Endgame suits Black as his king is active than White's . He has enough mobility and also a good knight vs a Bad Bishop!
21.Bd3 g6 Black holds the advantage!.
22.Rhe1 Rhd8
Here White is in danger.
He cannot play Kc2 (with the idea ot bring the king in the game) due to Nb4+ which ;loses a piece but even Kd2 looks really odd!
23.Bf1 Rxd1
24.Rxd1 Na5
25.a4 Nc4!
26.axb5 axb5
27.Rd5 Kf6! Idea Ne3!
28.Rb5 Ne3
29.Rb6 Kg5 (29.Bd3 is met by Rd8)
30.Ba6 Rd8! Mating threat!
31.b4 Kf4!Playing it boldly!
This is the matter of Godd endgame technique!
Fantastic play by black
The position flows right to Black!
32.Rc6 Ng2
33.b5 Ra8! Setting a trap
[if 34.b6 then Rxa6!!
35.b7 Rc6
36.b8=Q Rc3+
37.Kd2 Rf3-+
Black has more than enough compensation and Black will slowly win!]
Back to the game
34.Bb7 Rb8
35.Rc7 Ne1
36.Rh7 Nf3
37.c4 e4 Black wins the pawn race!
38.Kc2 e3
39.Kd3 (IF 39.Re7 then 39...e2! wins!)
39...g5 Descent way to win!
40.Ke2 Nd4+
41.Ke1 Rd8 The Rook and the Knight Combat the lone Wite King.
42.Re7 Nc2
43.Kf1 Rd1+!
44.Ke2 Rd2
45.Kf1 Nd4
White Resigned
The whole game revolved around the pawn storm at the end and the kings play!
The King which helped Black to pocket the g2 and f3 pawn became the main card for Black's victory! White had a very little chance to improve in the ending. The defence is really hard to find for White over the board.
The Black pieces dominated the White King!
A Good Technique by White who had a slight edge and went on to win the game!
Congrats to V.Anand
And All the best to V.Anand for his remaining rounds!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Problem Solving

Hello Everybody! The Problem is White to play and win! The First 3 solvers of this problem will get a Prize from Niranjan Navalgund!
So Post your answer here in comments box or mail your answer to niranjanchess23@gmail.com.
Better is that you mail answer to niranjanchess23@gmail.com
Remember First 3!
Hurry up!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Game analysis and a new system to download the pgn
To download this game with full analysis
copy this link to your addressbar.
Please reply to me
at niranjanchess23@gmail.com
and comment on this system of download.