Chess Quotes!

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Friday, March 07, 2008


Hello Everybody
I am happy to annotate another game of Magnus Carlsen....
Its Magnus Carlsen Vs Rest of the World played in Nettavisen in the year 2002.
This game was transimtted on the NTG website.
The World Could vote for a move & the move containing the most number of votes was chosen as the Reply to White's move!
The same is done in the daily basis at
IT was reported that there were 250,000 hits on the webpage.
And One thing! MAgnus did not use or recieved any help from any player or computer.

Back to the game!

Magnus Carlsen-Rest of The World {NAVALGUND NIRANJAN}
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 Its the Spanish Ruy Lopez.......7.c3 Ne4 The line chosen by Black is a complex one! 8.Qe2 d5 9.d3 Nf6 Here If 10.Ne5 then 10...Qc7 would be Quite interesting. For eg: 11.Re1? Due to Ne5 12.Qe5 and then Bf2!! And Black wins..... But still White can press on with the natural developing moves.
10.d4! Bb6 {My question to you here is Spot the Winning continuation for White if Black plays 10...Be7}
11.de5 Ne4 12.Be3 Be3 13.Qe3 0-0 This is a natural one... 14.Rd1 Be6 15.Nd4!? Ne5!
Here the choice of the World seemed to be exciting and interesting
16.f3 Now have a fresh look at the position and Think the move Black had in mind(WORLD)!

16...Nc4 17.Bc4 dc4 18.fe4 c5! 19.Nd2= cd4 20.cd4 Qb6 21.Nf1 White intends to advance his d5 pawn
21...Rae8! Pin...("Pin is mightier than Sword")
22.d5!? Finally we have the word go for the d5 pawn
22...Qe3 23.Ne3 Bd7 24.Rd4 Re5 This position is more or less even.
25.a4!? White hopes something like axb5 and then Ra7 or so. But Black acted quickly and responded with 25...f5!
26.Nf5 Bf5 27.ef5 Re2! Rook are well placed on the seventh Rank. 28.ab5 ab5 29.Rb1 Rf5
30.d6 Rff2 31.d7 and there is a Draw by perpetual.

Lastly I would like to ask you 2 questions.
Please do not use chess engines!!
Use your BRAIN!
1.What will be you reply if Black plays 10...Be7
2.What will be the outcome of the game after 25.d6 ?
I will present the answer and the conclusion about this game at the End of the week!
Till then have happy discussions.
Mail me your answers to or you can post you views or answers in the comments link given right below the post

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