For the analysis of the position above by Niranjan Navalgund download the MS WORD Document.Thank you!
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Surprise!!.doc |
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:) No one has travelled the road of Success without crossing the streets of failure . The same way God never promised us easy journey in life. He only has promised a great destination for hard workers
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Surprise!!.doc |
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You lose, never think
you are nothing on earth!
You win , bliss up
If lost, soar up
You win, exult
You lose, never think it is an
You win, think its just scant!
If lost, learn how to come up from
An ant.
You win, be jubiliant
If lost, don’t despair
You win, you will be greeted,
If lost never think you are rooted!!
VIII std
In this game Magnus played it calmly and he later solves his problem of Dark squared bishops very cunningly!
And you can also enjoy the combinative motifs here!
Common Lets get on to it!
1.Nf3 d5
2.c4 e6
3.e3 Nf6
4.d4 g6 Similar to Grunfeld structure
5.Bd3 Bg7
6.0-0 0-0
7.Nc3 White is just trying to complete his development as quickly as possible!
8.h3 Bf3
9.Qf3 dc4? This gives White extra scope for his pieces!
Even 9...e6 with the idea of Nbd7 intending equal chances was better......
10.Bc4 Nbd7
11.Rd1 Slight Better For White!
Black hopes to open the position which at this time is not effective.....
As we have seen earlier the idea of e6 and Nbd7 was better keeping the postion closed.
12.d5! e4?! Desperately trying to seek counterplay.
13.Ne4 Ne4
14.Qe4 Nb6
15.Bb3 cd5
16.Bd5 Nd5
17.Rd5 Qb6
Now for temporary Black has compensation for a pawn.
Black has some play on the queen side.
White's only problem is the development of the dark squared bishop...........
In the couple of moves White overcomes this lone problem.
18.Qd3 f5?!
Better was Rfd8 but f5 gains nothing but in return loses the game!
The Weakness of the King's position is now fatal....
19.Bd2! Rad8
The pawn on b2 cannot be taken with Bishop or Queen
Both lose the position and the game.
For Eg:
If 19...Bxb2 then 20.Rb1 and Black cannot do anything..
If Qxb2 then 20.Rb1 and Qa2 and then 21.Rb7 And Black cannot defend the position.
20.Rd1 Rd5
21.Qd5+ Kh8
22.Bc3! Qc7
23.Rd4 Introducing the Combinative motifs
The Long Diagonal weakness..
24.Qe6 Idea Rd7.
Now can you find the excellent move here!
Its 25.Qf7!! Queen sacrifice.
25...Qf7 Black is forced to take as it is overloaded.
26.Rd8 Qg8
27.Bg7 Kg7
28.Rg8 Kg8
29.f3 Kf7
And the rest is matter of technique!
I will give the rest of the game without much commments.
30.Kf2 KE5
31.g4 Ke5
32.gf5 gf5
33.Kg3 f4
34.Kf2 Kf6
35.e4 Ke5
36.Ke2 Kd4
37.Kd2 Kc4
38.b3 Kd4
39.a4 h6
40.Ke2 b6
41.Kd2 Just waiting for the ultimate zugzwang position to come....
42.Ke2 h5
43.a5 h5
44.h4 Kc5
45.Kd3 b4
46.e5 Kd5
47 e6 Ke6
48.Ke4 And Black resigned as now White will pick the f4 pawn and soon the queen the pawn!
Magnus finished his tourney with a peformance of 2200 and now he is above 2700 and his creating Wonders of Wonders
All the best to this TOP TOP WONDERBOY!
Thank you all.......